track 2

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  • I missed all of this amazing group of songs and now I will listen to each and cream

  • How dare you, you beautiful beast

  • Okay so you are just going to drop a whole album and then not say anything?

  • this is cool af, i like the flylo carefree weirdness thats happening in these tracks

  • probably my favorite one out of these most recent tracks

  • this is super cool

  • sequel to numb?? lol

  • don

  • youve become one of the most expressive artists on AT recently, keep going man, love it!

  • i dont even know what to say about this, but i love that little arp thing that comes in at 0:28 and how the stereo field just widens like w o a a a h h h h h h h h h h h

    • also this reminds me of peep show for some reason or another

  • truly unique dude. All I can say is wow

  • reminds me of tobacco without the fuzz. This is cool as hell, man