Life is unfair, fate is cruel, and the world is terrible. When there is no hope left, stay...stay not because of others, stay not for the ones you love...but stay, to spite the universe which made you just to suffer. Stay to prove to the universe that you are stronger than it could have ever expected. Look to the heavens and declare war upon nature and the stars. A purpose plant thy flag and call yourself the King of it all.

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  • i fucking love this!

  • Hey, it's been years, but I just wanted to let you know that you're honestly one of the kindest musical creators out there. I'm not sure if you remember me, probably not, but that's not the point here. I came back to this platform to see all of my old pieces of work, which aren't very good whatsoever as I just random samples and mish mashed them, yet you still encouraged my work and practice none the less. I don't plan on coming back here, but I just wanted to say, thank you Brutality :)

    • Hey, thanks for the kind words, know that they did not fall on deaf ears.

      I have run out of creativity just about when it comes to music, so I just

      sit back and listen to some of the tracks I made which I like.

      This one, was the last one I made, and although I accept my fate to turn

      into dust, I am glad some of the gold slipped through the cracks and inspired

      others :)

  • Republished

    Tweaked Equalizers

    Tweaked Reverbs

    Tweaked Volume and Panning

    Added new Effects