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This very interesting track follows the brainwaves of a person who has an epic battle of wills within his mind. The melody shifts A LOT in this track as he goes through different waves of mental states, struggling to overcome bad habits.

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  • this songs desc may help me alot of what im trying to over come... your songs got feeling... i love this

    • It's alright. I just unfaved it by accident. My bad XD

    • o i said this before o crap

    • Thank you CeRix. When I was writing this, a flood of ideas rushed through my head as I put the beginning chords together. One melody lead to another until this soundtrack got produced. It was crazy, LOL

  • Republished

    Added drums and a heartbeat style beat at the beginning.

  • This is just what I expected from you- amazing, breathtaking work!!! :D

    I love the concept of it that you put in the description as well... Also at the beginning I couldn't help but think of the PS2 startup noise XD

    • Hahaha! Thank you very much! I'm so glad that it assisted in your quest of Escaping Reality! :) This track was one of those where pieces of this track were connecting rapidly as soon as the beginning chords were assembled. :D

  • Republished

    slightly lowered the square lead