DnB solace is back, i've been hearing so much great dnb tracks recently so i just really wanted to switch back to dnb.

now you're probably thinking "why don't you just stick to two genres at once" but NO, i just can't, i dunno why. every now and then i'll change it up with a different genre and all, but no.

anyway, i don't like thiis track as much as my old dnb songs, it feels too empty, in a way. but i really do like the wubby parts... it just wasn't good enough to be an NXS.

... and ACTUALLY listen, don't just be one of those guys who skip through the song to the drop for 5 seconds and then comment something good/bad about it. i make these songs for a reason.

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  • wb solace :3

  • This whole song just doesn't seem energetic enough. It kinda seems too 80's in a way... Maybe that's a good thing though. I just don't like 80's music :p

  • I love that airy bass

  • you were nice too just don't get offended

  • yeah but he was honest too while at the same time being nice af

  • btw you should make more NXS thingies, those were cool.

  • @Dei Servus I shall avenge my defeat! One day, my friend, one day you shall see.... ;)

    haha and @SOLACE I was honest, that's what you wanted, right? I liked it alot, thou, don't get me wrong, I downloaded it. It's your best imo! :)


  • :^D

  • holy crap, dei.

    i could always critique critique but that would be seen as too defensive, but one thing that i could say is that yours had way more nice things than amoeba's comments and that's not a bad thing :)

  • Really solace you did a monster job on this. A lot of this commenting is simply cause I wanna beat my rival in comments but at the sane time I will say this is one of the best DnB songs I've ever heard and I actually really enjoyed listening to this a trillion times while I commented on this. EQ a bit better and turn down that bass that's the biggest things really... HA!!!!!! SUCK IT AMEOBA!!!

  • After listening to this as much as I have I realized that the song structure isn't really typical, its kinda weirdly built. But I think you could've kept it a bit simpler and even though typical is usually a bad thing I think it would've been better here overall. This kinda reminds me of my former self on AT because this is packed with so many melody that sound good just by themselves and the sounds are really just like perfect I think.

  • Whoa there Dei Servus hah

  • I realized you never really break down except at the prebuild which I was disappointed cause I like when songs do that. Makes it more personal and cool and dynamic. There's on voice in particular though that I really REALLY LOVE!! There's a wobbly high pitched voice you have and it plays all through the song I think and it kinda gives a nostalgic nice feeling to the song and a sad element to it and a break down would emphasize that.

  • The build has some sort of hipassed voice like a pad or something I can't really point out too well but I really like it and it sounds really professional for a second. Then the kick drum comes in and builds up and I thought this was gonna be dubstep. The initial drum kit you used in the beginning is definently high passed and I like that feeling to it makes it kinda light and I feel like you should've maybe removed the kick and made some kind of break down section with it.