...nice to work with

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  • cool cool

  • ...thanks doc!

  • the new avatar is cool olondro, this is a sweet remix.

  • ...which sound you mean?

  • :-)

  • great remix; what's that sound?

  • ..thanks Abbodon, ..you inspireme to be hard again, cripta and andre does as well , its more the direction i used to make music ...it is satisfieing to make music which goes straight away, `specially on a straight day...;-)

  • another piece of good music man . your a hit machine man

  • thank you torny!

  • awesome remix olondro love it :)

  • .yeah , thanks have to sort somethings!

  • this synthtone after the drop covers the bassdrum sometimes ... but a pretty cool club track anyway bru!

  • haha! I must admit that the voice is really interesting to modify and cutting...

  • yeah Velcro, I just used one part of your vocal edit, normally I just wanted this part of yours copyied a few times so can listen to it like a track....but then I couldnt resist to make more....!

  • .....hahaha, uprising is funny, everybody can look in my untidy room hehe..

    .thanks mates;-)