Ty Freestyle: Great collab! I mainly made some fixes to the overall sound/ mixing and added some synths, but the ideas for the chords and the beats were @pc (akaash chandra) , go check his stuff out.


skip to 23:08 and you'll see how this is sorta inspired (hopefully not fully plagarised)

"keep your friends close, but your enemies closer."

Lots of thanks to Ty for helping out. this song would have been shit without him.

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  • -Holy fucking shit, trap users using synths now ehhh

    -that fucking scream was too much lol

    -the sample usage here is really creative i love that

    -dooood this kind of 808 holy shit

    -now i love those sutters and stops really fuckign sick

    -the chants there hmmm i guess its a fund loop!

    - oooo shit a synth in the background? 1:15 that is fucking sick

    - ooooo heres the tag lol nice

    -if this is all synths jesus christ

    - 2:15 you gotta be kidding me omg wow

    - im fucking done lol this track

    • that is a lot to think about. i appreciate it!

    • - the crash is i think overused tho but never mind i think its just keeping it with the flow C:

      -the ending though, very sinister wew nice track

  • big moves my man, big moves

  • this needs more likes.

  • i like it

  • Those kicks are crazy!

  • Literally this is so good.

  • skip to 23:08 of the YT video link