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  • Damn good, as always.. still don't know how you've get such sound like that.. But if i remember well from our collab, you create those sound from an external synth don't you ?

    Wich one it is ? I forgot


    • ahah that's cool ! Using the "crap" part of electronics to create nice sound ;)

      If you know your headphones that's the most important.

      it's so cool that you're using external old and cheap machine to supplement your sounds ! This make your tracks quiet unique here.

      Hope to hear more from you

    • i use all what produce noise | cheap hardware produce more noise then highend hardware :)

    • i master with cheap headphones and my ears but i know this headphones

    8 more
  • du alter rauscher :)

  • Sumad quality stuff ... Very good summer vibes indeed. Ur still a master in this stuff :)

  • klassischer Sommersound ;) Sehr geil! hats denn mit dem booster geklappt?

    • jo, wenn das audioworklett dann funzt

    • aber ist ja eh noch beta viel. tut sich nochwas zwecks performance

    • mist! drück dir die daumen.

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