Thought I'd try making something like "Psychedelic" while using stuff i've learned since then.....okay.....

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  • Republished


  • lemme fix the sub at the drop

  • thissssssss stuff is off the chain. mind if i remix?

  • Republished

    I hope no one notices this has nothing to do with snakes O_o

  • I'll fix all the issues tomorrow...well i'm sure it'll still have kinks of course but you're smart you know what I mean...

  • great job man. love this track

  • I like the way this sounds, but I think mixing up the beat by adding cymbals/open hi-hats now and then or using multiple shaker samples would make the heavy sections more varied and interesting.

  • Oh it pubbed. I'll be damned ;D

  • nice riddim bass.

  • :D