My Remix (The Example Track) :

Sorry for using my remix as the example. I would have used Nitrix' original but it's not up for download.

The Original:

My apologies for no recent uploads, been too busy. Also i apologise if i sound unclear, i have a cold.

@Nitrix : "This is a template for Jake's tutorial series! This is one of the most sought after sounds in modern melodic dubstep, so I thought the AT community would greatly benefit from learning how to make it! :D"

Couldn't of said it better myself. Thanks alot Nitrix.

Cheers @Jacob Tyler

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  • noice

  • thx this helped me alot.

  • :3 helpful

  • It makes me want to cry because I want to make music so bad it's not fair!

  • aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawh maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawsh it's so beautiful and amazing!!! when my computer starts working I am so using this jake you are amazing...though that is an understatement.

  • Cheers nitrix :)

  • Your remix is a better example since I didn't use a supersaw in gone for the bass-pad. It's more of a chorus bass pad XD. And thanks for the pleasure of being on your page man! :D

  • great tutorial

  • part 2 cannont be up tonight :L

  • hey nice tuto

  • Thanks for the tuorial! Hope it comes in handy in tracks. Anyway, whens the wobble tutorial coming out. You said on my track, Broken Bass that it would be out soon.

  • thanks alot man :) but credit goes to the original :)

  • hey just listen to the real track sry i was late but wow you got skulls dude it was beautiful

  • remix should now be up :) logged into this account to check :) and yes its up :)

  • Thank you :D