So these are the easiest effect pedals to master but there are many out there who never touch either of these.

So i have a pretty standard pluck synth at 0.00 - 0.08 . Its not very intersting apart from a few effects (detune, chorus and an EQ).

At 0.08 i bring in the delay effect pedal. Essential what a delay does is it takes the incoming signal and repeats it a few times.

The first knob to look at will be the Level knob. this controls how loud the delayed sound will be compared to the original signal. Below 50% means it will be quiter than the original signal. above 50% means it will be louder. 100% completely mutes the orignal signal and only plays the delayed signal (useful for ping pong delay which i will do later).

Feedback control how many times the signal will be repeated, 0% means the signal will be repeated only once (this can be used for a HAAS effect - which i may talk about in the future).

The 2 delay time knobs control the speed at which the original sound is repeated. Eg - 1/16 at 3 steps. Meaning every 3 steps it will repeat the signal at a rate of 1/16ths.

At 0.20 i mute the delay and demonstrate the reverb. The reverb works in much the same way albeit a bit more complex. Like the delay a reverb repeats the original signal over and over, but instead of 1/16ths it repeats it a couple of hundred times in very quick succession, creating this kinda "echo-y hall" effect.

The feedback knob controls how fast the repetitions will be, changing the overall tone of the reverb.

Room size controls how long the reverb "tail" lasts for. And predelay controls how long after the incoming signal that the reverb begins to repeat the sounds, also changing the tone and character of the sound.

Damping, like the name suggests, dampens the sound. So instead of it sounding like its echoing in a hall it could sound like an almost underwater style echo.

Level controls how much of the sound is "drowned" in the reverb. Meaning 2% is very subtle and 100% completely drowns it.

0.30 Delay and reverb (and a few extra bits)

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  • anyone know how to add an effect on the bass line so that you can control the speed from 1/4-1/32 for example so that all your patterns autocatically turn into a wobble bass?

  • Can you open for remixes? I want to have a look at this, see how you managed to make such a clean sound with it. Usually when I use delay it all bunches together and sounds messy but this is really clean

  • Very well done sir! :)

  • is that who... hip hip horrah

  • Jake tyler?

  • i don't know who you are but you have a brain the size of a planet and a heart of gold. thank you for this epic altruistic movement

  • i thought compression was sidechaining

  • compression tutorial! I only know how to sidechain xD

  • could you make a tutorial on Rasseblock?

  • Astroboy, I know a tutorial on trance pads, I'll give them my link

  • Dont worry more complex tutorials coming soon :) as i know many of you are experienced enough to at lleast understand reverb and delay. But there are many users who i see neglecting them. I am planning on doing "micro tutorials" on all the effect pedals so stick with me :)

    But next up will be either a bass ive made or a gorgeous pluck synth which amoeba submitted to me :) these wont be up tomorrow and may take a while to make as im working in AT, another DAW, and ive only just finished exams :)