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  • Oh sorry man I didn't see it was open for remix my bad I'll remix now

  • Re fav ...... ¦©]

  • Damn! how do you not get noticed?

  • Dude, you could go places. Like, I commented on your wall that "I can't wait to see what else you come up with". Then, like 4 months later, I find you again and you have as many followers as I do (deserve far more imo). You also have like the most epic, bangin' edm tracks I've ever heard on AT from someone that has only been on here for less than a year.

    I literally don't even know what to say except to keep up the good work :D

  • Nice!

  • its open for remix , looking forward to it @Werbs

  • C'mon lemme remix this I've got a good idea i wanna make it trap

  • and dude that horn sound is awesome

  • i genuinely hadn't actually heard this one bruh haha

  • The only thing I don't like about this song is the first part of the drop. The second part is great, though

  • I agree with ZZDOOD.

  • BSRK! Dont you realize that you have the ability to go on and make music professionally! Yes, I think your that good. You are such an amazing artist!

  • i lowered the volume XD

  • Very pro sound!!!

  • Awesome! Just turn down a bit as suggested!