such a memorable tune

the tropic of capricorn is the southernmost point that the sun can be directly ovehead due to earth's shape. this song reflects what introspective feelings coastal people get as the walk their shores. the beachiness of the water and sand mixed with the coolness of the area
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1 -
1 @Lewi Astro (@ssurrealboy) ahhh dont do that man, your music is so perfect already
2 still in awe.
2 <3
0 Republished
touched up on the snare and lowered sub just a little
4 Perfect
1 I need to listen to this all the time.
1 sigh.. celery.. your music is so dreamy.. I love seascapes.. <3
0 Lovely
0 this is truly breathtaking
0 Inspiring, here's my version: (link is only visible to registered users)
1 aaaah that kick... in love with this.
1 I'm in love with those percs! :3
1 ahh you guys are too nice!! there so many errors i need to fix already
1 @Crazy about You agreed.