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  • Thanks to all................ :)

  • yeah again amazing grizzly ,realy industrial

  • awesome!, love this feeling the song is giving!

  • Grizzly just mauled the shit out of this song! Well done!

  • That's trippy as hell, I thought someone actually knocked something over outside when it first started, wow

  • you're style is so amazing and spot on all the time. Monsterous sounds... but doesn't sound like a trip full of sunshine, unicorns and rainbows!

  • Like always amazing!

  • ...that sounds like i feel sometimes...great work

  • Cool track,WG !

  • amazing! really like the experimental industrial sound.

  • pure beauty !!!!

  • This is ridiculous. I've forever been questioning why no movie ageny haven't picked you up yet. In 4:20 minutes you managed to inject dreams into my mind . . .

    I imagine a steampunk world set in the 1800s . . . little boys and men forced to work in psychotic robot-owned factories creating mechanical hearts to ship to the "other side" .. a world that hovers over there own. No one knows what the hearts are for.. some say for eating, others say for the creation of human slaves...

  • Dark and uindustraial i agree to TopHat in a shorter way :)