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  • Nice

  • Yo mi and mi friends going to a studio that does like meek meel type veats ill be sure to tell en vout this and we gone use it but i think u said i already could just checking

    • yeah bro that's fine. when do you think you'll release? I can't wait to hear it

  • way too nutzzz

  • How do you tune an 808


    I've been using Heisenberg presets for subs but I see you used a sample

    • From what I've learned from others is to use a bass sample of your choice and add it to the Machinista, and using the record and pitch feature you can get the 808 to go high or low. Theres other ways but to me thats the most convenient and easiest.

  • This reminds of Im In Love With The CoCo

  • Can use this do rap on ill give yall all the cred

  • damn n*gga

  • great job man, nice working with ya