Well this oughtta be fun. I kinda just fudged the ending...







XD I dunno what happened in the thumbnail, I was just looking at some clothes and the idea came outta no where XD.

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  • maybe I should remix

  • lol the ending

  • Republished

    Added some revreb (not reverb, revreb) and shtuff

  • ima try..is that ok?

  • woah, that's so clever, using what I already had and completely turning it on its side to create something that's pretty awesome.

    trust me man, you did NOT fudge the ending.

    only thing I would say is that it needs some sidechaining, just something that stops it from sounding so... lonely.

    but other than that, i'm gonna go straight ahead and give this song an 8/10. really good ideas but needed some improvement on the execution.