Last Update:

New vocals...

New vocoder...

New tracks and sounds...

More trance more dance...

Man, this was really a torture for me.

The track was nearly lost.


As you listen.....

I hope you enjoy as much as I do....

sincerely yours


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  • Still miss the old vocals :-(

  • Such a fun joyful 303

  • refav!

  • So much in this :)

  • Hm.....maybe you are right.

    Let me see, what I can do.....


  • need your voice back

  • genial! but as Kepz said pretty different from the first version. I like the new voice sound

  • Hi Kepz! :)

    I did not like the natural voice. So I put it through a vocoder until I liked it. ;)

    But in the refrain I kept my voice as it was.

    So it´s a compromise of robot an man. :)

  • you added so many layers. very different track now!

  • you natural voice sounded better imho :)

  • I´m happy, you can hear this, Potasmic!

    Yes, I got the muff out of the first versions. And the harmonies spreading more clearly. More drive and so on.


  • You've made this so much closer to orchestral! So amazing! I can hear the musical composition more clearly .. woah

  • Fav for new version! :D Vocals should be more audible, in my opinion, the voice is nice ;)

  • supa groove, it's great, added a plumper bass? Quite delicious yah I fave again , N1m8:)!

  • :O!O!:O!