Sorry for my monthlong stretch of publishing nothing, I'm sure everyone missed me haha.

Anyway, I managed to break my songwriter's block by doing something different and making some honesttogod dirty south rap/trap, using that wonderful Trim acapella screwed down to about half speed.

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  • 808 is beautiful. there's this low frequency thing at the end of that kick.

  • Good stuff :)

    this genre called "Trap" is gathering popularity... and it's very interesting. Hopefully I'll hear more of it.

  • man that kick has soo much bass its so beautiful

  • this is the kinda stuff I blare whilst rolling down my mile long country drive way. sick.

  • cripta, its the sonic ring sound ;)

  • Sweet kick beat, n i love how you made the vocals chopped & screwed-lol Alittle bit different from you usually do but still amazing non the less :)

  • very strange...i like it! :)

  • Digging this!

  • that sound is mario bros coin ?? eheh so cool :)

  • rofl

  • absolutely cool!

  • :) !

  • hells yes!

  • nice picture from star wars 1983 your beat nice job ...:)

  • nice i like it a bit hip hop style :D