on the nature of mental spaces (1/3)

abstraction - upward movement - material, no form


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  • a creature ready to break out of its egg but doesn't know how

  • This is amazing. Pleasant weirdness

    • It means so much when you can find such an amazing experimental track on AT. It is very outstanding! Once again Big wowzers on this one!

    • oh man sila this means so much!! <3

    • Big wow

    1 more
  • i smell hp lovecraft

  • tastes like... i dunno... spiders?


  • Yummy. Love thos LFOs

  • I bet this plays in the backrooms.

    Just hauntingly empty spaces. Vaguely familiar but somehow threatening. Imagine a horryfing zombie creature nursing you back to life, it's flesh rotting off it's off white cranium, with disgusting cyan patches of mold clawing at its skin. It takes care of you, feeding you, tending to your injuries. It even makes sure to wear a hazmat suit all of the time, to not spread it's many diseases to you.

    • that's terrifying! but regardless, it's really quite exciting hearing all these responses to this collection. this is certainly the scariest interpretation haha but there's definitely some element of the sublime, the indescribable. thank you so much for listening and thank you even more for commenting <3

    • mad respect. I definitely am a sucker for abstract art.

      It's like instead of selling me a painting, you just created a giant mirror with a rorshack test painted onto it.

  • a large tree, holding a grenade launcher with a neighboring city in ruins

    • but are we the tree or the city?? we may never know!

  • a speaker on rails going in a circle, you stand in the middle and theres water that is warping in the 5th dimension and doesnt know which physics to follow.

    • and to think we are the water; what physics are we following anyways?

  • Metaphysics in music, beautiful!

  • unreal

  • That's it, you've earned yourself a simp