A love song for my wife.

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  • Gives me like a Male CHVRCHES Vibe

  • holy crap that is some sexy pulv drums

  • when bizarre lovin 2

  • I love everything about this.

  • Somehow bridging the gap between 80s Janet Jackson and 00s Emo

  • the background vocals are awesome and mixed very good into the music, nice style choice:~)

  • drums are toight

  • The drums are sick. Your wife is very blessed to have someone like you in her life :)

    • I know what you mean. People get thrown off when i value good art instead of only Christian art

    • I'm LDS (Mormon), yk? I may have an edgy prp, and say stupid stuff, but I have morals lol

    • It's strange seeing something so sweet from you but that makes it all the more special. Thank you @Client !

  • This song is good asf

  • This is super crisp. You place sounds really well in this one.

    • it was a really nice experience trying to match pulv drums to linn samples on this. The amount of control really helps you not muddy up the mix.

      also shortening up chord sustains has been an act of self control that I've needed for a while

  • yo

  • I'll add. Love the bounce to the nostalgic vibe! Vocals are a great touch! OmG sOuNdS LiKe tHe WeEkNd. And needs moar reverb

    • I was joking with the reverb but the rest of it, youre spot on man. Keep up the good work :)

    • I like the more laid back verb and slapback echo so I can hit you with the long pulsar hits at the end of phrases.

      But yeah, reverb saturated vox and full triplet feel drums are always great. good for heavy and funky rhythms all day

  • dude fuck yes

    • Likewise man!

    • I haven't thought about wasteland in a long while. Thank you @andy I hope you get a fan like you've been to me. It's a real encouragement seeing someone so talented find value in what I have to bring.

    • I keep coming back to listen to this, one of your best tracks man. Up there with wasteland and forgive you

    1 more
  • ayy wtf those synth drums are insanely sample-like

    1 more
  • I get why you spammed it

    I agree