Gives me like a Male CHVRCHES Vibe

A love song for my wife.
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1 -
0 holy crap that is some sexy pulv drums
1 when bizarre lovin 2
0 I love everything about this.
1 Somehow bridging the gap between 80s Janet Jackson and 00s Emo
0 the background vocals are awesome and mixed very good into the music, nice style choice:~)
2 drums are toight
1 The drums are sick. Your wife is very blessed to have someone like you in her life :)
0 This song is good asf
0 This is super crisp. You place sounds really well in this one.
0 yo
1 I'll add. Love the bounce to the nostalgic vibe! Vocals are a great touch! OmG sOuNdS LiKe tHe WeEkNd. And needs moar reverb
0 dude fuck yes
1 ayy wtf those synth drums are insanely sample-like
0 I get why you spammed it
I agree