I'm bad at keeping things minimal. I tried making a tech trancey thing but ended up chord progressifying it and adding too many layers. Somehow feels sloppily done, too. But I like where it went.

This is titled as such because I mostly worked on this late at night as a sleepyhead.

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  • It does not feel sloppy at all to me - nice track!

  • Love that lead synth in the second half. I had to open this one up. :)

  • forgot to fav :)

  • Lovely squidgy bass, N1m8:)!


  • Very nice track man. Love all the melodies and how they complement each other.

  • 256?

  • is not hard to 2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2

  • lel but detail is fun.

  • u can't keep things simple, MUST DETAIL

  • nice track, dremy melody

  • wat

  • u got OCD?

  • It makes it easier to manage. Like synths, I think of percussion as a set of layers. If I want to remove or add a hat without removing the snare, then all I have to do is remove or add a layer. It means that I don't have to have a pattern for every combination.

    cuz you know, if each layer is either on or off, then I only need ceiling(log2(n)) bits to be able to represent n possible states. So 8 layers only needs 8 tracks, but to have each one in a pattern would take 256 patterns.

  • I'm curious, why do you always seperate your percussion into seperate tracks?