He's in the locker room, getting ready for the fight. He had is friend giving him a pep talk. He goes to the rink. The announcer yells fight! And off the two go. He gets hit hard but he stays in the game. Round two, his opponent hits hard but he wont give up. Then a break for round three. He hits hard and strong, he is sure to win. It ends and he is crown champion.

I was going through my drafts and I came across a few chords. I couldn't decide what I wanted to do so I did two unique drops. I also feel that the little story line goes well so try and picture it when you liten to the song. And trust me, you wait for the epic finaly! And yes, everything was made in audiotool. Feel free to remix and comment! Wear headphones/speaker with bass!! :D

*internet high five if you get the reference in the cover art*

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