I Tried trap. More coming soon!!! Don't forget to like and fave!!!!

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  • not that great

  • this is aight

  • I think people forgot to read that you TRIED trap. For your test run this is pretty good! I would recommend watching tutorials that use other DAWs such as FL (FL is perfect for trap in my opinion). FIgure out how it's done on there, and convert what you learn there to AT. That's sort of what I did. Good job though! Spam me anytime :D

  • Melody is off, I don't understand how this made the charts.

  • How did this beat Timestopper though? I mean it's good, but LUXIOR! I'm guessing this is Pompeii remix all over again!

  • THIS HAS CHARTED! No. 9, beating Timestopper!

  • Yikes.

  • crazy love the sound of it keep up the good work >_ ^

  • If you want to get really got at making trap music, listen to this guy.http://www.audiotool.com/user/djsampson/

    I learned all my tricks from him, and once you get to a certain level, you'll be making tricks of your own and teaching other people. Don't worry about some of these comments. Just don't spam as much, and get better everyday. Most of these guys are jealous because they think they're tracks are more deserving.

  • Plz dont spam everyone, someone with skill gets liked without spam.

  • let me guess...spam? oh lord i can tell the future now.

  • how does this have 52 favs

  • You need to work on crescendo enhancement and production stuff, but other than that, I dig the whole song. The synths sound cool. Ignore Physik, he's sandbagging his way through music, just like everyone else on this DAW.

  • I completely agree with physik

  • I like this I think it's kO0L, just keep working and stay true to U