My first attempt at something truly atmospheric. Here's an idea...tell me what it is you picture in your head when you listen to this.

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  • AWESOME track!

    Um... make me think of a cold night in the woods... with something omnious... Technologically omnious... and then something naturally omnious...

    Love the piano and the drums! Also love the wind intro! The subbass behind the piano is sick! One idea though, if you want to know what your listener is thinking, dont give a pic. It gives them ideas... (like @bassCOPP).

    Its an AMAZINGLY AWESOME track though! Great atmospheric!

    And i agree with fauko, BTF!

  • BTF

  • i think of me dreaming and running from something, but i dont know what i am running from, i only see shadows and short glimps of the thing i am running from, then i end up in the same place your album cover is in, i am runnung in there, dodgeing and weaving branches and rocks, then i trip and find a glowing ish shadow, it reaches out to me. then i wake up. :) weird right? pritty cool check my songs bro, : (( cool song bro. :)

  • Sorry i meant aspen trees

  • Nice feel man i like it, When i listen at first i feel like im in a massive filed of dead pintrees alon then when it gets more hectic i can piture myself running from something :)

    Very cool track man!

  • Seduto sulla moto, fermo in attesa che l'adrenalina salga....sguardo fisso sulla lingua d'asfalto davanti a viaggio inizia curva dopo curva, prima seconda terza....quarta....arrivi al rettilineo....quinta sesta....non hai più acceleratore da offrire al motore....guardi il contagiri e ti senti all'ultimo cielo, i tuoi muscoli sono tesi la tua mente è sgombra, solo tu e la strada, e ti senti......libero....e poi....una fresca birra con i tuoi amici di viaggio!! :-)

  • Have to admit...I was really hoping for an Uprising play-by-play when I wrote the description. :D

    Thanks man...and thanks to everyone else too. Fauko, amazing description.

  • Sitting on a park bench eating breakfast and it starts to rain, skies growing darker by the second. I get up and start walking speeding up as I go, heading through a tunnel and realize I am being being followed. Break out into a full on run....... Finally I lose the pursuer and sit wondering - what just happened?!

  • forgot to fav :)

  • sequal

  • the end is that calm before the storm this needs a strom now

  • adventure starts a 3 no turning back now

  • but al is well wide awake now

  • 150 is when the plane takes off and its a bumpy ride

  • this is an awsome track bro