
Yea, though I walk through the shadow of the valley of death, I shall fear no evil.

For thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.


After failing at adapting to a new style of music in my last track, I decided to continue to explore the mix of classical music and electronic music, aswell as acoustical sounds and electronic sounds.

So in addition to the electronic sounds, there's also piano and violin, played by myself. Recording stuff was a pain though, and because of it, I'm not to sure I'll have the energy to do that againXD

Oh, and Frigolito was very adamant about telling people that he had the honor of pressing the record button on the mic. He has been pestering me about collabs, and I figured I had to give him a job to do;-)

And by the way, whoever figuers out what's in the bass line of the piano arpeggios in the middle of the track gets a virtual cookie!

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  • Sorry I missed this! It's really great work!

  • You need to make more. seriously, I'm in lurv with these sounds.

  • It is great, very complete composition,my reverence...

  • Wow, that was quite a trip. You should keep up AT :)

  • wow.

  • This is amazing. Auditool has been incredibly finicky for me with recording, so I'm really impressed by the quality of your recording alone! The piece has a really unique sound that emanates creativity. I really like this track!

  • you and i should work together, i make beats and you make notes?

  • <33

  • Soundtrack music.

  • just....wow....massive second track !

  • wow, amazing work!

  • Thank you guys so much for all your kindness and compliments! It really makes my day every time I log in and see whats been written! :-)

  • Just amazing!

  • re-fav

  • wow very very cool! beautiful work..interesting that you are doing this, i wish i could do stuff like this but i dont have any recording equipment lol... :'( yeah this is awesome, keep working on stuff. :)