More an edit than a remix.... i add some new drums, speed it up a bit, and things here and there...

Original track was so good, so it is hard to do something really different.

Cover by Lorapora (deviantart)

Activity overloaded... i have to bounce to work on it and add other stuff... but this is the idea ;-)

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  • i've listened to this in ATU :D awesome!!

  • really nice drum glitches! something i want to try myself :)

  • great edit!

  • Énorme basse, énorme rythmique! Du lourd comme d'hab ;-)

  • ahah la d'n'b rageuse quand elle est maitriser elle est vraiment méchante :)

  • thanks guys !!

  • I love it bro. This is awsome. Good job bro. Pleace join my remix contest

  • Great! Especially your percs work, is pretty well done!

  • merci daftwill !! je suis d'humeur DnB rageuse en ce moment ;-)

  • killer remix ! j'adore c'est vraiment exeptionnel jprefere ta version, vraiment cool