So, I've had this track sitting on my drafts page for like a month now, hearing andre michelle's binaural track got me inspired to finally publish it.

really minimal, but I believe my calculations are correct:)

Binaural Beats are created by hard panning two slightly different frequencies, the phasing between the two creates a pulse or 3rd pitch (kinda like FM synthesis) which your brain waves synch up to... think of it like plugging your brain into a world clock:)

The ratio herein is designed to stimulate Theta waves, which are normally given off during deep meditation and dream states, enjoy!

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  • very interesting technique!

    if you are interested, i made some binaural with 2 pulverisateurs, both sinewave with -1 octave, and each pulv with a different LFO rate to create the 3rd pulse as you say in your description, applying filter and PWM as LFO destinations (10% depth). Nice to discover your technique, thanks for sharing :)

    • teach me how to do theta brainwaves so i can make my own channel out of it

  • Exactly correct my friend, And Im amazed to find this on audio tool, I never thought of making Binaural beats! Great stuff, (My Third Eyes Open)MP

  • Great work. This is the sound of emptiness ;-)

  • Wut

  • Wow