There is no Now, no Present, we are creatures that live milliseconds in the past.

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  • ahh, without hope there's misery...

  • maybe, but they're still not real

  • dronealpha the future is what drives us....the possibilities...

  • the past is exactly as real as the future (sur), and they're both getting bigger all the time-- squeezing out this present moment . . .

  • Cool track.

  • hb is realy cool

  • Wow SBD, sorry for not checking out your latest stuff

    I love this. Drums are funky and those chords! Ughh, so jazzy and lovely!

    This flows very well :)

  • *sounds

  • Nice! Cool sonuds in this. :]

  • Great synth sounds and beat. Nice one!

  • thanks guys...

  • very nice track !!

  • "our life is looking forward and looking back ...that's it...that's our life" - great track my brother :)

  • really cool track SBD :)