This track Expresses my Distaste for S.O.P.A and the People involved in comming up with that hair brained scheme to rule the underground.


We on audio tool ARE the Electric Underground

Any one creating original tacks here has more creativity in the dirt under our fingernail then the Tightwads trying to censor us.

This is for all you audio toolers out there


And Audiotool is where the best of the underground come to play

Audiotool is where all the cool kids hang out

We are all A part of something now. Embrace IT

Track creation

Every sound ( other then the electric sample ) in this track was created using only the tools capabilities

In appriciation for all your support i have placed several of my basses in templates and there is more to come.

sounds that are bounced into this track with audiotracks are in my templates I create sounds sounds in my templates and then bounce them to the library so i can make audio tracks and save room on my CPU

i will be creating some templates with this track to add some bases and saw horns that i have not yet sampled for all of you to use if you want :) thank you for all of your support and


Special thanks to ABADDON for his inspiration on this track

Too all who listen and read this , drop a line about what pisses you off about people in power who try to control, parent , and dictate us! this track is for you

Edit: i have added an extra comment and fixed some of the issues with my horrible grammar

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  • That's great ! :)

  • Stop SOPA/ACTA!

  • KILL S.O.P.A. audiotool's not the only one in danger,there's also youtube,flipnote hatena,and other wbsites. great track!

  • Seeing that I am not the only one to feel this way, I know that we have some hope as a website. Together we can unite and help each other and support each other. We can overcome censorship through originality.

  • Not too hard, just enough, we are the underground ( embrace it ) We control the frequency of the underground. We make the sine . You adapt to us.

  • I love this track, and the meaning behind it. Fuck S.O.P.A

  • FUck govt, but ill just say this track is sweet. un stoppable! power! :)

  • thanks guys :)

  • nice job man!!

  • awesome!!!!!

  • This track is awesome four thumbs up!!!!

  • nice stuff bro

  • HARD!!!! :)

  • This is feckin awesome man :D

  • haha thats my girlfriend dude