A brighter look into tomorrow and beyond. The song that lead the charge on this EP, born of a desire to improve and leave behind the dead weight of old techniques. Alive and Well was a way to test my abilities. Writing On the Wall, however, is a flex and flash of my increasing ability (hope that didn't sound too arrogant- I really am improving).

Note: Has panning effects designed for headphones, but can be listened to through speakers.

Thanks for listening to Writing on the Wall, and keep on toolin'.

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  • I just jizzed everywhere

  • tiiiiight

    see this is what I mean

    You are an extremely capable producer and like a serious role model for me yo

  • @Sijil It's about to get real by tonight when I publish my remix. Nearly a complete overhaul on sound design, and SO MUCH MIXING AND EQING.

  • see this is super legit

    This is pretty good production.

    My goal, fam

  • This just in. Macbook cannot handle VIP mix for shit. School internet doesn't help either.

  • Gonna finish and release the VIP Tomorrow!

  • I am now hearing how phenomenally bad the mixing is on this.

  • It's so old... Imma cry.

  • Well, I'm about to make a VIP of this.

  • Hey dude you told me to check you out and I am very impressed keep doin you homie

  • Republished

    Full version now available

  • great

  • Cool.

  • yea cool start

  • Decent sound design, Honestly though, sounds pretty generic to me... I'll keep listening on here for free, but I definitely wouldn't pay for this. There are a lot people on AT doing very creative things with trance-y sounding music; and if your gonna take a business-minded approach and wanna succeed in a market, you gotta stand out. This does not. not trying to be a dick, just keeping it real. keep pushing yourself!