I know the cousin of the creator of rainbow factory.

You are in the Rainbow factory. You wait desperatly for what is you fate... it's better than hearing the screams. You look up to see the crane grab you around the waist, pulling you off of you're hooves. The factory Flys by you hear the machinery and the gears working, making the beuitful spectra. You wish it were not so beutiful, other wise nobody would take these meusures to make it. You are set onto a gurney some hight in the air, ironic that you will die there, being born in one just lke it. minus all the spectra and covered in blood. You watch the blade, raising slowly to mid section, It plunge in tearing your stomach and intestines, you die a painfully slow death, the last thing you see is the needle.
*UPDATE* Smother begining transition
Art thanks to FreeDom~Gurl123 on deviantART
^All that, not me. Please read C:
Hope you enjoy the remix lol I tried my best :3
Also, Im getting a laptop tomorrow! XD
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