lol, looking for the song on Soundcloud but there are too many freaking results to just 'the race.' what are some tags to the song for the search engine at the top??? >__<
if i COULD i would, but theyre like ancient relics to me and i dont know where one of them is at. lol, and i stiil play space invaders and sky-dive on the other one sorry... :l
Overall, I like this track, but I feel like it needs more polishing. And why do you ask for criticism if you already put out a download :p A tip for the future: Wait a day or two for ciriticism, fix those flaws and only then put the download available :)
The drum solo is too loud at
. It's not a big criticism, but yeah, it's too loud imo. Also at
I'd like a smoother transitions.
needs more work imo as well.
would be nice if there was white noise before it as well. Yeah I'm picky with transitions :p