Part of Saddness (Possible EP)

Best with headphones or earbuds

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  • i guess you're getting somewhere... you need to learn some music theory or something though... and putting 'good' as one of the tags is a bit arrogant imo but keep improving I guess.

  • ooo, this is cool man

  • Nice shit man! <3

  • Hmm... Nothing really fits together, it all feels rushed and lazy... Honest opinion, sorry if it's blunt

  • Thx Guys

  • One of your best so far! Kinda long intro but i liked some of the flows you had goin on in it throught out. Also i wana remix but the button doesnt work...? :(

  • This is good work, very patient

  • Yeah, this is def some of your better work. Nice job.

  • every thing seems off tune

  • well, You're trying.

    Keep practicing , tho.

  • Ko0L

  • *mixing hate this autocorrect on my phone...

  • You need a lesson on moving and making sure you're frequencies are right... And that intro is way to Long. I got bored. After that the rest of the song is OK but still boring. With a lead synth like that, I'd expect something exciting.

  • what was the point in having crackling noises for a minute and 30 seconds..........