i used caustic 3 pro

This trance track was originally composed this summer (2017) on Caustic 3 mobile DAW while flying on a plane for 15 hours. The audio was imported and mixed in audiotool (bass and drums were made in audiotool, not imported). This is the last track I am producing under my Hexeract6 alias (although my new alias is simply a shortening of this one).
I tried to make the mix sound good on all playback devices, but realistially that probably won't end up happening. However, the mix does sound good on my home stereo and on bookshelf speakers, as well as my quality headphones and some good earbuds.
I am aware that the mix is quiet. Unfortunautly, this is hard to fix without squeezing the life out of my synth stabs. That beng said, simply turn your speakers up.
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