Would you mind if this was put into a podcast?
First track of 2014! This was done in one day. I tried to be somewhat mainstream. It's best if you try listening with good speakers because I always make songs for speakers. Also, imo it sounds better with speakers.
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0 -
0 Ayy I'm still here
0 Very impressive! The bass is 2dirty4me though D:
0 Just love it !
0 amazing
0 :O .............................. HOLY SHIZ
0 It sounds a lot like Savant.
5 Pfft. Don't try to be mainstream...
0 wow!
0 Jesus.
0 Oh shit man, this goes hard.
2 this is too good. a little too good.... suspicious...
0 why areee you soooo goood?!
0 epicly awesome!
1 WHERE HAVE I'VE BEEN U have been busy great music