Final installment to my Dreamers EP! I will remaster it in Logic Pro so if you want to download it, get the EP for free on Bandcamp (: (or donate if you'd like!)



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  • suena bien, una cancion chida la verdad

  • Link to album please :)

  • Love the beats - that little snare roll

  • I'm having trouble locating said EP...

  • I appreciate the feedback! I agree with you 100%, it sounds too synthetic for me! I admit I was in a haze making this, everything sounded so euphoric haha

  • This is awesome man. But in my opinon if that 1.04 synth sounds less effected, maybe more clean, it would give even more space to this song. I dunno if you will understand what i mean. But man, that guitar reminds me a bit Bon Iver's sound. Love it. I dunno this way sounds pretty good too. You are like an architect of sound, i was really chilled by this one.

  • great song :)

  • you should totally put @OXBLUD remix just for fun!

  • Oh my, this is so beautiful ! The guitar sounds amazing !

  • very nice guitar. perfect.

  • Is that the guitar ? :DD

    Cool song, so relaxing, Guitars FTW

  • Lovely

  • Beautiful, I love your style that's going on currently. It's just amazing and I love it <3

  • omg. so mazin' just.. just.. so mazin.

  • I want to turn this song into a liquid and baptize my future children with it.