Well. This song was created by me attempting dubstep. Then I realized in order to make dubstep, I have to know exactly what dubstep is. And... I'm too exhausted to do musical theory right now, lol. So. THEN i remembered today is Easter. And Jesus died or something? I don't really know what Easter is... AWK. Anyways, that made me think of that book Eggs (written by the author of Small Steps and that book about sands and dunes that had a movie-version of it?) and how kids have Easter egg hunts. And the eggs are dyed. But THEN, I was like, "wait a sec. the eggs die??!!" Which brought me to my double-meaning tittle, The Hidden Dies. Technically, it suggests the hidden dyes, literally, in egg form. But then the evilness of the song comes out, and everyone who hides DIES. (da da daaaaaa) lol. Or maybe I just think too much :3 (It's probably the latter) xD

Oh, and thanks to contributors for ur samples <3 really helped me make it at least a lil dubstep-ish :3

Enjoy!!! <3

And Happy Easter!!!


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  • Thanks!! And although I recommend the tutorials to others, i refuse to look at them myself :3 (I'm too stubborn) Lol, i wanna learn everything by myself xD

  • I would try looking at the youtube tutorials on pulv, this is really nice

  • Thanks!!

  • Cool !

  • No problem :)

  • OMG. Thank you Tyburn and Comatoast. TYBURN!!!! Omg, it's a huge honor to have you favorite a song of mine!! Same for you Comatoast!! Thank you <333

  • BTF!

  • Why thank you!! and be sure to check out my other Easterish song (a collab with Gods at Play) Canniballistic Bunnies <3

  • quite unotrhodox...i like it! :D

  • lmao, thanks!! :3

  • Lol funny Easter edit :D You could use these sounds for like a Christmas Song thingy :D Atleast I think you could :D Would be sick

  • But... Ihate looking at the tutorials!! :3 Ihate asking for help xD

  • Its not too crazy, infyuthsion has some tutorials on it, and then the rest is just playing around :P

  • Lol, thanks!! And i didnt know, tbh :3 So Thanks for that as well (:

  • I really like the synth that is in the background at around 2.14 , then it gets clearer at 2.30 , thats a great note great note combo. Btw, easter sunday is the day Jesus defeated death and rose from his grave. Just in case you don't know. Awesome track Girl.