Fith one yet for the Giver trailer plz enjoy Updated remix for you to enjoy
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0 -
0 accepted
0 ok will do
0 ok cool. got him added and he just recently followed me :) check out my 2 recent track and give me you opinion on it if you want 2.
0 His name is Caleb
0 Yea that is him
0 Btw you said TheBeast right? cause i see the name "beast5517"
0 I know
0 its short for Lamborghini. The sport car
0 Ahh don't know what that means but ok!
0 ah the impressive lambo XD ok
0 he is at school he will do it at home in a couple hours or so :)
0 A blue and Black car.
0 will do, but what picture does he have for his profile. so i can identify it easily
0 I will do that thx. Also if you could follow my little brother he followed you he is big fan he is
TheBeast he is in my followers and i will get him to follow you on his main account!