
Maestrex: Collab with Navor, love dis dude because of all his swag and wubs. last track before hiatus so yee, #hardcorepolka
Navor: I'm so sorry I couldn't do more in this ;-;
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1 911 plays doe B)
0 Them chords are perfect! This track is perfect! Your collab was perfect!
2 why cant i make shit like this anymore ;-;
1 he is my mom
0 who is nav0r
1 this is really good. :) good job guys. sexplextro ftw
0 So good please make moooooore!!!!! ^_^ .....Please....
1 whoa. Hadn't heard this yet. Very nice.
1 Thanks Ethan bby
1 Oh, Lord...
How did I miss this!?
This is great, btw! Looovvee the chords! <3
0 aw , man
0 ayyyyyyyyy
0 I cri evertim
0 whoa the part starting at 00:30 D: I died a little.
pls come back soon