(using the emoticons more often now, give smore emotion into your words)

meh... needs more time. needs more time. the priginal was 6 minutes, but then i lost all that data when the server crashed :(. well, this is it. a teaser till my next song.
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0 -
0 why thank you suez! ^_^
0 Wow i love this track! its very creative as well as catchy :) very cool!
0 + 1:27
0 1:52 - <3
0 thhhhaaaaaankk you! you finally got this song to 30 likes!!!! thanks SBD!
0 gggggooooooddddd job
0 hehe, thank you doctor! i would be honored for you to download this song!!!
0 Re Fav Baby. I gotta get this on my Ipod so I can really rock out in the car.
0 btf!
0 one more till 30
0 lol. im happy the community received me so well this time. i might just switch over to this account. lol XD
0 amazing, how popular you've become in a matter of weeks!!
0 i would be honored to have you remix my song!!! and doctor, i was thinking the same thing.
0 Awesome track! May I have permission to remix?