This would be my first try at legitimate dubstep and I have to say I did an amzing job at it. this took me FOREVER to do especially cause of lack of time. I really hope you all like it! :)

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  • Thanks guys!

  • Ahhh....How nostalgic

  • oh shit son!

  • good stuff :)

  • thanks you guys!!!

  • There is some creapy stuff here XD very very greatly awesome track ! The tags say it all d=

  • Very entertaining track. great :)

  • Yeah I see what you mean I was wondering if I should've done it another way or not.

    Thank all you artists !!:D

  • It sounds kind of epic, definitely like it that could be the score for some sort of action scene. The melodies are neat. Your drop isn't much of a drop though, more of a curb, but it doesn't intrude the flow of the song.

  • Magnum Opus? hahaha thank you all for your gnerous comments :)

  • your magnum opus


  • i actually heard a Beethoven Symphony No. 5 dubstep remix...ill try to find the link. ;)

  • GOOD GGGGggggggg (<- yes thats a word) this is so weird but cool! you mastered the bass here and i really like the lead synth! this is what i would call classical sounds like classical music a bit but mixed with dubstep lol! amazing work! :)