not shore i add the rain that i have record myself + some synth noise but most of the time i thought your first idea is always the best ..ok right not 100% exact ....
O so sound like i may got something it's light very simple but it's add some cool vibe your right jambam does higher notes mmm :) if i understand you well nice one i try to sett to faster computer it's goes slower hehe ...
lol no I had a disc with like 50,000 sound effects I bought at Radio Shack for like 10$, it had all kinds of cool sounds from birds to trains and synth noises. I think it's cool to hear another artist who likes the sound too, like this tune or tornsage's
journey to ixtlan
i think uses a crow sample :D
and that crow did you record it like i have done ? because most of the dj in here i suspect i am one rare bird ....most of the sound i use are made by me 100% using audiotool tool ........dang jambam you set the bar higher :( alright i will try ....hope my computer will hold it i feel he is getting old i may have to past the flame .....
I used to add crow samples to my work all the time back in the last century lol, I had this effect pedal that would create a loop and I would put ambient noises in the background. I should dig those tapes out some time :)
ok but that could change it more into techno but if you said so i will trust you then jambam :) i use my breath again hehe idk why i thought i like to sit in my ship traveling into time hehe :)