Best wishes mate! :)

Received some bad news today, so I cope by making a trashy loop
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0 Sorry to heat that arche. I have two daughters myself so I can immagine what you must be feeling. I hope it works out for the best.
As for the song. I can't believe you used that synth! Nobody uses it for a reason. You're a great guy around here so I'll forgive you this time. Lol
0 damm arche3.0 thats no little issu , have a son myself so i understand a bit how you most feel , best of luck for you and your daughter
0 not that bad...i like it...
p.s I wish u that everything will be resolved in the best way !!
0 hope U find Peace, good track,
0 Hope everything is going to turn out well in the end...
0 Thanks all. I will hopefully know more today. I'm learning that my 11 year old daughter may have to live through the same hell I have (and possibly worse). This may seem stupid since it's not life threatening, but it's hard when you find out things about your kids. This is why being a parent is hard.
0 hope its gonna be good for you soon :{
0 : |
0 Sorry to hear man.....I actually dig this track. Hang in there!
0 I hope you'll be able to cope with the bad news, no matter what it is.
0 i'll probably delete this tomorrow or something. It really sucks...