just a quick tinker for tonight.

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  • recognize. really cool!

  • love it. also love the cover.

  • nice song!!! you definently have your own style an di love it!! but real nice work i cant beleive i missed your songs when i left ut now im here :)

  • @asclepeion , You're probably not wrong. I intentionally overpower the limiter on occasion. Keeps things organic when it works well, turns things into a bass soup when it doesn't. A lot of my tracks are first takes - I set up the instruments and then just play them...so it doesn't always work. I'll see if I need to fix this one.

  • the drum make my speaker vibe :( ...good but not perfect hit me if i m wrong ...

  • awesome soulful beauty :)

  • :)

  • Your music is always so heavily steeped in emotion. This and oblique are some of my favorite latest work from you.