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  • u know whats as hard as feelings?

  • bros out here putting in 30 minutes of effort, to get to number 4, and Im putting in blood, sweat, and very real tears AND 1-2 hours into my best beats, to nbot even get ranked...

  • bruh aint no fucking way this bs got 40+ (no offense)

  • 817 bru

  • no offense but it's not that good (in my very biased online opinion)

  • why the fuck does this shit chart and my shit gets overlooked

  • Good job man, btw how you get your trap to chart? I just made a song like yesterday and it didnt chart even tho a lot of people liked it

  • Keep it Up!!

  • clean ash ngl.

  • Ayeee

  • this is hella good wtf???

  • if that was a man this would have like 2 likes

  • ew

    • Bro that thing abt the household....

      That lowkey explains it all.

      Thank you actually. I will be less defensive next time.

    • and tbh i don't know whether this is a standout bad track from terror and others will be good but all I know is terror swung and missed with this track and all I'm trying to say is he should try again, I'm sorry but I don't really have a filter, I speak my mind as that's the house I grew up in

    64 more
  • all i was saying is i get the vibe, you just missed

    • yo look i follow you, that means i see potential, it was just this track was a miss, your other tracks are good, just this one isnt imo

  • I think you got the vibe you were looking for 🔥