It's a bit late for this, but it's a GlitchOver Concept I wanted to make for @Keith (dead account) , but I'm over a week behind on that, so I just want to say Happy Late Birthday Keith with the HD Character I did for you. Anyways, enjoy and I'll soon finish up Deus Rematch Song 4 soon, so follow @Deus and @Deus (Backup) if you want to hear some news about it.

(Note: Sorry for not being active a lot; I've been busy with a lot of stuff lately and I didn't have the chance to upload tracks in here due to how life goes.)

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  • Republished

    Changed a few things and raised TechOver Reaver's Vocal.

  • This is REALLY good deus! thx a lot!

    so far only issue that I can hear is the techover reaver preset is an octave too low, and maybe a bit quiet. but that's just me being picky with my presets lol

  • Um... why does it sound good!?