Its been two months. Just release the winners already. You should have set a deadline.

Remix it to your best abilities!
Must have multiple synths
Only SFX samples allowed
thats it! no time limit, no filter limit, no tempo limit. show me the best non-sample tracks you got.
after 10 remixes a deadline will be posted
1st place prize
>custom sample pack of your request
>custom avatar designed by me
>permanent shoutout in description
>spam by me to help promote your music
>obligation of me to comment on every track you make
2nd place prize
>custom avatar designed by me
>permanent shoutout in description
>spam by me to promote your music
>obligation of me to comment on every track you make
3rd place prize
>permanent shoutout in description
>spam by me to promote your music
>obligation of me to comment on every track you make
top ten tracks will be featured in the SYNTHFUSION album
i know im not that popular or the most pro mixer, but this is for all AT members, newbie and master alike! have at it
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0 -
0 hey i am doing this btw
1 Mix on the way ;)
1 I think I'll enter. Might do a "chillstep" type song. :)
2 I wont enter, but good luck to all who do from my part.
1 Its not finished yet but here is my remix: Synthfusion MYST Remix
0 its a joking way of helping to promote other people, so THEY dont get muted lol
1 "spam by me to promote your music" wut ?
1 not don but what you think:
1 Bring it on! Im in. Let me finish exams though.
1 im entering now so wish meh luck
2 Can we do more than 1 remix?
1 I could give it a go. Cool sound!
1 maybe i'll enter
1 Just posted my remix! Hope you like it! :D