Remix it to your best abilities!



Must have multiple synths

Only SFX samples allowed


thats it! no time limit, no filter limit, no tempo limit. show me the best non-sample tracks you got.


after 10 remixes a deadline will be posted


1st place prize

>custom sample pack of your request

>custom avatar designed by me

>permanent shoutout in description

>spam by me to help promote your music

>obligation of me to comment on every track you make


2nd place prize

>custom avatar designed by me

>permanent shoutout in description

>spam by me to promote your music

>obligation of me to comment on every track you make


3rd place prize

>permanent shoutout in description

>spam by me to promote your music

>obligation of me to comment on every track you make


top ten tracks will be featured in the SYNTHFUSION album


i know im not that popular or the most pro mixer, but this is for all AT members, newbie and master alike! have at it

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