Johann Sebastian Bach meets the Pulverisateur. Arrangement for Passacaglia and Fugue in C minor, BWV 582. I always loved this piece and since his music lends itself so well to synths, I started this draft some years ago when I began with Audiotool. After being abandoned all this time, I decided to finish and publish it. Enjoy! The MIDI file on which the track is based is in the public domain. You can get it here:

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  • 666 plays...

  • Thank you Rodrigo Del Canto!

  • nice panning!

  • Thanks @Snadbrugen I was aware of Switched on Bach although I never heard it myself. I just know his work for the original Tron, which blew me away when it came out.

  • Reminds me of the Walter Carlos synthesizer works. I think it was a Bach Vinyl of him which I heard non stop when I was a kid. Very good

  • Thanks for the comments! @Someone I appreciate your feedback. I wanted to use the delay to hear how the harmonies interacted with each other on a more extended level.

  • It's not many things that beats Bachs works. I like the synth sounds, but I would like it better with less delay in order to prevent it from being too messy. However, it's always fun to hear another interpretation of Bach. :)

  • the fact that some sounds are at right and some in left brings me into an orchestra! wow amazing synth work!

  • Beautiful!

  • This reminds me of the album called "Switched on Bach" where pieces composed by Bach were played on a synthesizer.

  • Unbelievable how ur synths sounds so clear. Everything is perfect in harmony and so well balanced. Love it man.

  • Massive track, Jordi! beautifully built sweeping pulves. Very glad you brought this back from the limbo of the draft box. :)

  • nice one jordi :) reminds me a bit on the clockwork orange soundtrack ok its beethoven there but the clasic meets synth thing.

  • A nice rendition Jordi. Took me back to the day I first heard Walter (as she was back then) Carlos' "Switched On Bach"