I hope it gets better for you bro, I started to enjoy my life when I got out of highschool
I'm basically the unholy lovechild boogie2988 and Trigglypuff but with severe autism and suicidal tendencies
I dress like I'm straight out of the Dear White People trailer
I look like the man that all the kids are told to stay away from and that all the soccer moms look at with general disgust
Hell, I might as well be given my fucked up loli collection
And my boyfriend is twice as crazy as me
I'm a fat gay autistic weeaboo virgin with no real friends, no talent, and no reason to live.
The only thing keeping me alive is my transgender boyfriend.
And even that's hanging by a thread because he slept with 3 other men in the first month of us dating because of his reliance on alcohol to cope with his schizophrenia.
They told me being a teenager would be amazing and that I should enjoy life while I'm young, but damn, existence sucks. I wish there was a quick and painless way to die.
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