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  • the random switch-ups lmao, love this

  • bro wait what

  • bruh if this track was made by AI

    thats honestly really impressive but scary


    i dont want to be replaced by AI.Shani

    • fine

      i’ll stop cowering in fear over Ai.shani

    • but i do gotta admit the attempts go hard but it won't go as hard as usermade music >:(

    • dont say hopefully cause it AINT gonna happen

      even if it does advance, it's just an amalgamation attempt of music, not a user created version of music where you can obviously see the heart and soul put into it grr

      the ai will just make what it's told to make, while for us hoomans, we make what WE can make without limitations- ai however, is limited

      please do not give into the paranoia, it's not gonna take over the world or your jobs any time soon lol

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