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  • refavv

  • I always end up back here

  • refav..

  • I would fav my comment if it was possible ;-)

  • refav, thanks for that brother, I felt old times

  • im trying to catch up with your music but I cant get passed this,

  • Sandburgen... I've never heard anything like this before in my life..

    it combines so many things I love about air vibrations..

    the rhythm, the melody, the frequencies used.. even down to the key this is in,

  • your choice to use of major tonality in these heavy tracks just eats me from the insides.....

    amazing.... so deep..

  • THE RHYTHM... THE TEXTURES... I got sand in my ears....

  • !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Me wuvs your tracks heheh. :3

  • sand you're the best - huge inspiration and selfless talented producer :)

  • Sounds more melanchonic than dark to me. Either way.. great track!

  • Republished

    deflangalized the kick